Framing the City
Visual Essay
Featured in JAWS
Volume 1 Number 2
ISSN: 20552823
Published by Intellect
Framing the City is a visual essay reflecting on the construction of images and the fabric of place. Combining 6 original collages and writing by Camilla Brueton with quotes from theorists and artists who influence her, it presents the city as a living collage. Hopes, dreams and optimism from different decades are embedded in the built environment; constantly framed and reframed by our movements and actions as we go about our daily lives.
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Extract from ‘Framing the City’
‘There is labour in making images ’ (Julien 2014)
An image: a framed view of the world.
How do we construct/ deconstruct images: on the page, on the screen, in the city around us?
Framed by a car window, a door, a passageway. Buildings collage against each other. Modernism against neo classicism, the architecture of neo capitalism adjacent to brutalism. Framing and reframing is ongoing and constant. The planning process- ideas / logistics underpin it all. Shifting values. Shifting power.
Powerlines cut across an apartment block, framed by a flyover.
Glimpses of a past and a future race past.
‘Architecture is the form in which many cultural forces find expression and become therefore accessible to a mute, visual medium.’ (Stephen Shore 2014)
Tower blocks rise up.
Individual units stacked on top of each other.
Previously built as social housing, towards a better future for all (although in reality, often problematic).
Aspirational sky-scrapers are being built again across London, this time driven by market forces and capital gain.
A strange dodecagonal building squats in the foreground. Built maybe as a community centre, now an evangelical church. Hopes, aspirations and beliefs play out in the cityscape.
Further references include Marc Auge, John Berger, Doreen Massey, Iain Sinclair, Saint Etienne… find out more here